Propiedad:Tiene texto de error procesamiento (Processing error message)

De Patrimonio Africano en Canarias
Se muestran 20 páginas que utilizan esta propiedad.
A mandatory_properties constraint is assigned to the "Patrimonio" category and requires the following mandatory properties: Tipo de bien
A mandatory_properties constraint is assigned to the "Patrimonio" category and requires the following mandatory properties: Ubicación
A mandatory_properties constraint is assigned to the "Patrimonio" category and requires the following mandatory properties: Coordenadas
La siguiente coordenada no fue reconocida: 28.959376, 13546179.
A mandatory_properties constraint is assigned to the "Patrimonio" category and requires the following mandatory properties: Coordenadas
A mandatory_properties constraint is assigned to the "Patrimonio" category and requires the following mandatory properties: Coordenadas
A mandatory_properties constraint is assigned to the "Patrimonio" category and requires the following mandatory properties: Estado de conservación
A mandatory_properties constraint is assigned to the "Patrimonio" category and requires the following mandatory properties: Coordenadas, Ubicación
A mandatory_properties constraint is assigned to the "Patrimonio" category and requires the following mandatory properties: Ubicación
A mandatory_properties constraint is assigned to the "Patrimonio" category and requires the following mandatory properties: Ubicación, Estado de conservación
A mandatory_properties constraint is assigned to the "Patrimonio" category and requires the following mandatory properties: Ubicación
A mandatory_properties constraint is assigned to the "Patrimonio" category and requires the following mandatory properties: Ubicación
A mandatory_properties constraint is assigned to the "Patrimonio" category and requires the following mandatory properties: Descripción, Estado de conservación, Grado de importancia patrimonial
A mandatory_properties constraint is assigned to the "Patrimonio" category and requires the following mandatory properties: Descripción
A mandatory_properties constraint is assigned to the "Patrimonio" category and requires the following mandatory properties: Coordenadas, Ubicación
A mandatory_properties constraint is assigned to the "Patrimonio" category and requires the following mandatory properties: Coordenadas
La siguiente coordenada no fue reconocida: 28.951890/13.747081.
A mandatory_properties constraint is assigned to the "Patrimonio" category and requires the following mandatory properties: Coordenadas, Estado de conservación
A mandatory_properties constraint is assigned to the "Patrimonio" category and requires the following mandatory properties: Coordenadas
A mandatory_properties constraint is assigned to the "Patrimonio" category and requires the following mandatory properties: Coordenadas